O que é uma bad trip e como evitá-la

The cannabis universe is full of positive and relaxing experiences, but occasionally, it can give rise to an uncomfortable and distressing journey. We're talking about the "bad trip" , a term known to many cannabis consumers. In this article, we will explore the meaning of this expression, the associated symptoms, its duration and, most importantly, how to avoid it.

The Meaning of a Bad Trip

In the world of cannabis, a bad trip is like a dark cloud that overshadows the usual pleasure of the experience. Literally translated, "bad trip" means a bad trip, and that's exactly what it represents: an unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling after using marijuana or other substances.

Bad Trip Symptoms

Identifying a bad trip can be essential to dealing with it properly. Some physical and psychological symptoms can signal that the breeze is not going well:

1. Tremor: Marijuana is known for its potential to treat tremors in some medical conditions, but ironically, it can also cause excessive tremors when the dosage is inadequate.

2. Excessive Sweating: If you are sweating excessively after consuming cannabis, it is a sign that something is wrong with your experience.

3. Hallucinations: Although rare, hallucinations can occur, especially in people with a psychic predisposition, being a clear indication of a bad trip.

4. Paranoia: The feeling of distrust, of being watched or persecuted, is another common symptom that indicates that something is not going well.

5. Anxiety: Although marijuana is often indicated for the treatment of anxiety, inappropriate use can trigger or worsen this symptom.

Duration of a Bad Trip

The duration of a bad trip varies from person to person, depending on the body, the quantity and quality of the substance consumed and the way the person deals with the situation. The effects of marijuana generally last 3 to 6 hours, depending on the method of consumption. Therefore, it is possible that you may feel uncomfortable for a significant period of time, but there are ways to avoid or reduce this feeling.

How to Avoid the Wrong Breeze

Now that we know what a bad trip is and its symptoms, it's important to understand how to avoid it or minimize its effects. Here are some tips that might help:

1. Context: Make sure the environment and people you are with feel comfortable. A positive state of mind is crucial for a smooth experience.

2. Self-knowledge: Know your limits, especially in terms of quantity. Remember that the effects are temporary and that you have consumed a substance.

3. Breathing: Practice deep, continuous, controlled breathing to calm your mind and body.

4. Exercise: Do some light physical exercise to speed up cannabis metabolism and reduce uncomfortable effects.

5. Food: Eat something, preferably something sweet, as this can help metabolize marijuana more quickly and alleviate a bad trip .

6. Hydration: Drink water to stay hydrated, which can help reduce unpleasant symptoms.

7. Entertainment: Distract yourself with movies, music, or activities that make you comfortable and relaxed.

Now that you know the signs of a bad trip and the strategies to avoid it, you can enjoy your cannabis experience with greater peace of mind. If you have ever been through a situation like this, share with us how you dealt with it. After all, sharing experiences can help other people avoid the wrong breezes in the future.